As part of Career Connect, we aim to provide impartial information, advice and guidance to help young people make realistic choices about their future education, training and work.
As the Career Connect Advisor in the school, it is my job to help identify options for suitable career, build CVs, help students prepare for interviews, advise on College applications and where to look for jobs. We also provide information, advice and guidance to students to support decision making at key transition points in their education.
In order to make an appointment with the Career Connect Advisor, students can request to see them through their form tutor, or they can drop into the careers office during lunch and break times on the days they are in.
If any parents would like to speak to the Career Connect Advisor regarding their child’s education, please contact the school directly or email
Please visit the Career Connect website here.
Your Career Connect Advisors in school currently are Lia Black and Kerry Hetherington.